Who We are

We are a non-profit organization born in the hearts of people who have been part of the Eagle County community in Colorado for more than 20 years. Our organization focuses on children and youth who come from vulnerable families.

what we do

Our focus is to provide a space to positively impact their lives with training and resources allowing for options to improve their life. Weekly training and teachings for the students occur in different public locations. Our organization firmly believes each individual can live a better life if their essential needs are met.

Mission Statement 


Impact LIVES.  We exist so that the people of our community can change the perspective of life and their surroundings. We firmly believe people can be positively marked with our service, thus setting an example for others to do the same. 

Train PEOPLE.  We exist to provide training with resources and teachings that elevate lifestyles. We believe each person has a unique potential and want to help them embrace that through developmental tools.

Enhance Their FUTURE.  We exist to enhance the future of our community, helping individuals have a better quality of life by enjoying life itself through who they are and not precisely what they have. We believe each individual can live in joy if they put the essentials of  life in perspective.


Each of our participants have the experience of being filled with vitality, energy and joy for things that are truly worthwhile like their family, friends, school, nature and future.



Our participants are challenged to develop this unique value that marks their life’s choices. Vida Foundation believes who we are on the inside affects what we are on the outside.


Our mentors and leader-volunteers focus on highlighting and enhancing each of our students skills, virtues and capabilities in order to enjoy a brighter future.


We challenge ourselves to get out of the four walls of conformism, causing a true change in each of our interpersonal relationships. This leaves a mark that transcends in our communities.


Meet our leadership

Pastor Josue Rubio

President and Founder

Josue Rubio

Toma Mi Mano Kids’ Director

Lucia Zuñiga 

Toma Mi Mano Youth’s Director

Sandra Dalton